
Enhance Productivity

First, some context. We are talking about enhancing the productivity of office workers using software tools.

Any office worker, in this day and age, spends at least eight hours a day. But, are these hours being spent productively? Could better use of this time, have a major impact on the entire organization? To answer these questions, we need to understand the nature of work done by office workers.

Our studies have shown that the work done can be classified into two broad categories: operational and analytical.

Operational work, such as Handling Email, Making presentations, Formatting reports, Uploading and copy-pasting data, formatting documents, checking or comparing data, correcting data entry mistakes, creating repetitive reports for someone else is mundane, but necessary.

Analytical work, such as Finding trends, Forecasting, Assessing performance, Finding areas of concern or improvement, deciphering good or bad news, interpreting information visually, refining business processes, preventing mistakes, analyzing and mitigating risk can do much more for an organization

We have further discovered that office workers mostly use their time for operational work. Very few people use them for analytical work.

By implementing software solutions like custom reporting, customer management solutions, portals, enterprise social platform, etc. office workers can significantly increase the speed at which they perform operational tasks and execute analytical tasks.

This is what we call Enhancing Productivity.

What we do

We enable businesses by implementing proven and matured Open Source Enterprise solutions which are User friendly, Efficient and allow Scalability of operations to meet the demands of tomorrow in various domains. Our expertise on multiple products ensures that you get a product which matches your requirements with minimum customization.